Showing posts with label New Units. Show all posts
Showing posts with label New Units. Show all posts

Friday, September 11, 2015

Great Gargant Datasheet

After a few delays, the Mighty Great Gargant (brought to you by Peter over at In The Grim Cheapness of the Future) is ready to hit the battlefield. All it needs are a few rules, so at long last here they are!      


2500 Points
WS:4  BS:2  S:10  ARMOR 14/13/13  I:1  A:2  HP:24

Unit: 1 Great Gargant 
Type: Super Heavy Walker

Supa Force Field:  5+ Save vs. ALL shooting attacks, including "D"
Grot Riggers

•  Huge Effigy: All Orks within 24" are Fearless. If Gargant is destroyed all Orks
            within 24" must make a leadership check. Units that fail are pinned.

Capacity: 70 Models.
Fire Points: 8 Front, 4 each Side, 6 Rear
Access Points: One at the rear.

The Great Gargant must have two arm weapons:
Mega Kannon                        
Twin Deth Kannon
Cluster Kannon
Kombi-Ripper Arm                  

The Great Gargant may have up to four secondary weapons:
Cluster Rokkit Launcha
Flakk Gunz
Heavy KillKannon
Mega Gatler
Gaze of Mork
Lobba Battery

Also, up to six Supa Rokkits may be added, plus six Big Shootas.

A Gut Buster Belly Kannon may be taken, but the transport is reduced to 30 models. 

The stats for the weapons can be found here.

Being an Ork work, it is more a fluff-based feel of the weapons fit rather than a constructive set of design rules. 

The one large change I did bring was the swapping of the Ork Power Fields for a Force Field. Back in the distant past Power Fields worked like Void Shields. The gargant would start out with a number of them but once they were knocked down, they stayed down for the battle. 

Now that Super Heavies really only lose Hull Points, it seemed like extra bookkeeping for no real gain. Orks are known for their use of Force Fields, which fluctuate wildly from completely impregnable to non-existent. It works very well in place of the old Power Fields, and is far easier to keep track of. 

Next up: The Great Gargant in battle!

'Ere We Go, 'Ere We Go!
Lots of Krumpin' to Do

Friday, November 14, 2014

Regular Brass Scorpion

When Apocalypse first came out in 2007 we were all excited to see that one of the new units was a 40K version of the old Epic Brass Scorpion.
I happened to have a unbuilt Defiler laying about. I picked up some extra bits, and like legions of others, went to work. I was pleased with my creation and it had many good games. Then Forge World released this monster:
About the size of a Baneblade, it was now the Greater Brass Scorpion and had new rules to reflect its much greater stature. It was almost twice as many points as before and far deadlier. My Defiler knock-off was puny in comparison, so what to do? 

For a while I just used my (Lesser) Brass Scorpion as a regular Defiler, but it always left me a bit unsatisfied. So after much deliberation I chose to make my own stats for the Regular Brass Scorpion. 

Taking the Defiler as a starting point, not that many changes were needed. No longer a Super Heavy, it did not need so many secondary weapons. Swapping out the Battle cannon for a Demolisher cannon was the first step. Ditching the Hellmaw flamers was sad, but necessary if it was to be a reasonable amount of points. Boosted its base attacks, the front armor value, and gave it Rage.  

The hardest part was the big gun the tail. On the Greater Scorpion it is an impressive STR 6, AP3, 10 shot weapon of death. A bit overpowered for a secondary weapon on a non-super heavy. I decided to go with a enhanced Reaper for the Regular Scorpion.

I am pleased with the results. Similar to a Defiler, it now feels more like an Khornate assault weapon rather than a artillery piece. 
As always, I welcome your feedback. 

Brass Scorpion…………………………220 points
                         WS  BS      S       F     S     R      I      A    HP
Brass Scorpion     3    3    6/10    13   12    10     3      4     4          

Unit Composition:
 1 Regular Brass Scorpion

Unit Type:
• Vehicle (Walker)

 Demolisher Cannon 
• Blood Reaper Autocannon
 2x Powerfist 
 Demonic Possession 

Special Rules:
• Fleet
 It Will Not Die

Heavy: The Brass Scorpion is a Heavy Support choice for a Chaos Space Marine army that includes at least one HQ selection that has a mark of Khorne.

Blood Reaper Autocannon: Same stats as a Reaper Autocannon, just now Heavy 3 

Blood for the Blood God!
And his Mechanical Daemons too

Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Stompas 2.0

With the new Apocalypse comes the scramble to make old units compatible. This Sunday we are going to have our first official Apocalypse battle, so I needed to get the Ork heavy metal into line.  Stompas went up in price by good bit, so using some voodoo math and a touch of "that seems right", here are the stats for my two Stompas.

First up is what I wanted to be a heavy command unit. As tricked out as a Mekboy stompa, just geared in a different way. A Flamestorm cannon from a Baal Predator replaces the twin-linked big shoota on the Mega Choppa arm and makes a great Flame Belcha. A pair of nice big Gaze of Mork eyes round out the monster.

950 Points
Super-heavy Walker
WS:4  BS:2  S:10  ARMOR I:1  A:4  HP:12

Gaze of Mork
Deff Kannon
Flame Belcha
Three big shootas
Four Supa-rokkits

Power Fields

Capacity: 20 Models.
Fire Points: 4
Access Points: One at the rear.

Next we have the answer to the question; Just how shooty can we make a Stompa? Very. Two Death Kannons and a Leman Russ battle cannon provide the blast weapons. Various gun barrels from Ork, Guard, both kinds of Marines, and seven Supa-rokkits make up the Deff Arsenal. 

875 Points
Super-heavy Walker
WS:4  BS:2  S:10  ARMOR I:1  A:4  HP:12

Two Deff Kannon
Three big shootas
Deff Arsenal


Capacity: 20 Models.
Fire Points: 4
Access Points: One at the rear.

I printed out a nice data sheet on heavy cardstock for each one. I really like the way they turned out so I think I am going to do that for all my super-heavy units. Even Mrs. Blackheart's cheesy Eldar units.

Next up: The Apocalypse battle report.

Smash 'umies!

Friday, January 11, 2013

Korgor The Bloodmad

Crushed skulls count as well.

Korgor the Bloodmad…………………………165 points

Korgor the Bloodmad is a Khornate daemon bound in the hull of an Ironclad Dreadnought captured by the World Eaters warband known as Kylar’s Chosen.
            WS  BS    S       F     S     R      I      A    HP
Korgor   5    3    6/10   13   12    10    4      3     3          

Unit Composition:
· 1 (Unique)

Unit Type:
· Vehicle (Walker)

· Powerfist with built in heavy flamer
· Powerfist with built in melta gun

Special Rules:
· Daemonic Possession
· Rage
· Blood Madness

Blood Madness: After the first kill Korgor makes, either by shooting or hand to hand, Korgor gains the Preferred Enemy special rule for the rest of the game. During the move phase he must always move towards an enemy unit. He must always attempt to charge an enemy unit if there is one in range.

Elite: Korgor is an Elites choice for a Chaos Space Marine army that includes at least one HQ selection that has a mark of Khorne.

Welcome to the new section cleverly called, New Units. Here I hope to give you nice people a place to display your creations. The 40K universe is really quite big and there are many undocumented heroes, villains  creatures, and vehicles. The old Vehicle Design Rules were never perfect, but I liked them a lot. For many years rumors circulated of a Character Design Rules set to appear in the White Dwarf. That of course never came to pass, but it was a great idea for non-competitive gaming. Put just a little bit of the Role Playing element back into a game that kinda started out as a R.P.G.

So here we are. I have several creations I will be posting in the coming months, but I really want to see yours. Send me the new unit's stats and history with a picture and I will post it. Big or small, from a new super heavy tank to a special veteran sergeant upgrade. Having more units can only increase our enjoyment on the battlefield.

The Emperor Protects
But an escape plan never hurt