Wednesday, December 28, 2011
League Players & Missions
We will have a League Day, High noon January 15th, 2012 to start the mayhem.
The Commanders:
Farseer Gillian- Eldar
Harbinger Jeff- Dark Eldar
Tyrant Pete- Tyranids
Shas’o Matt- Tau
Warlord Marcus- Orks
The League Battle Scenarios page has been updated to list all of the Missions in detail.
Battle One
Mission: Cleanse
Deployment: Spearhead
Jeff vs.Pete
Gillian vs.Matt
Marcus Mission skip
Battle Two
Mission: Recon
Deployment: Spearhead
Jeff vs. Marcus
Gillian vs.Pete
Matt Mission skip
Battle Three
Mission: Take and Hold
Deployment: Dawn of War
Gillian vs. Marcus
Matt vs.Pete
Jeff Mission skip
Battle Four
Mission: Seize Ground
Deployment: Pitched Battle
Matt vs. Marcus
Gillian vs. Jeff
Pete Mission skip
Battle Five
Mission: Seek & Destroy
Deployment: Pitched Battle
Pete vs. Marcus
Matt vs. Jeff
Gillian Mission skip
Due to all of our scheduling crazyness the battles do not have to be played in order. For example if Pete showed up and Matt and I were available, Pete could play his Battle Five and then Battle Three.
When all the battles have been played we will move on to Round Two, and everyone will be allowed to change their list up.
Just over two weeks to go, now it is time for some work-up games!
Should we post our army lists? I enjoy seeing other players ideas and lists, so I think so. Let's hear your thoughts on this and we will decide by the kickoff date.
Saturday, December 17, 2011
The Non-Powered Armor League is Go!
Actual forces may vary. |
Why? Hmm, good question. There was a very good reason many years ago, but for now it is why not.
Here are the rules:
Standard force organization chart, 1750points. Your army may not have any troop choices that have a 3+(or better) save. So no Space Marines of any ilk, Sisters of Battle, or Necrons. And also you cannot take Mega-nobs, Wraithguard, et al as troops due to special rules.
Each player will play each other once in round one. So in a six person League everybody will play five games. After Round one is complete all players will be free to change their army list but not their race.
Points will be awarded to winner/defeated by the level of victory and loss for the game:
Massacre: 5/0 VP
Major Victory: 4/1 VP
Minor Victory: 3/2 VP
If the mission objective result is a tie, then we will go to Kill Points for the tie breaker, if still tied then each side will get 2 points.
The Kill Points:
HQ 3
Elite 2
Heavy 2
Fast 2
Troop 1
Dedicated transport vehicles 1
Plus bonus Kill Points per some missions.
Up next, the Missions, the Players, and the Schedule.
Wednesday, November 30, 2011
Little Gods of Chaos
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No, not this one, I'm talkin' 'bout dice. |
Some Naval wagames of the same time used straight statistics: Gun Size A beats Armor Class B at 4,000 yards and does 5 damage points. Effective but turns a chaotic swilling battle into chess. No choking at a critical point, but no amazing heroics either. Not bad for game, but real world combat does not follow set conditions. Some way was need to represent the "friction" of warfare.
Enter our little six sided friends and tormentors. The Prussian Army is credited with the first use of dice in a wargame, Kriegspiel, used to train the officer corps. Wargaming did not really catch on in the public sector for entertainment until the 1960-70s. It became popular, followed by role playing games (some of which used dice with more or less than six sides!) And now here we are with our game of toy soldiers in the Grim, Dark future. And throughout it all dice are the way to determine chaos and uncertainty in battle.
How people deal with their dice is a very personal thing. Some days the dice just hate me, and I am okay with that. I have had more than my fair share of awesome dice. But why do dice seem to act up at just the wrong times? Are they just randomly generating numbers based on the spin and velocity of your throw plus whatever manufacturing defects they were produced with? Or can you exert your will upon the cubes of doom?
I don't know. Both seem true, depending on how the game is going. I do like watching people's (myself included) dice and rolling rituals. Throw lots of dice at once or just a few at a time? Do you "sit out" the ones that roll badly? Run through the whole pile of dice then start over? How often do you buy new dice? Someday soon I am going to track the dice rolls in a game and see what the distribution is like. I am curious if some dice tend to roll certain numbers more than others, and if so by how much.
As we play in a decidedly non-competition fashion we have come up with a house rule for these little random generators of fate. Borrowed from some game you play outside, we use the Mulligan rule. One fine day many years ago, Wolf Lord Jeff was falling before the horror of my Tyranids. His elite Wolf Guard Terminators unleashed a hail of storm bolter and assault cannon fire into a swarm of Genestealers that were way too close for him. He missed with every shot. We were both dismayed. I remembered a rule that my grandfather had demonstrated while we played a round of golf. I told Jeff to take a Mulligan, and re-roll the entire attack. He did and it went much better, though he was still wiped from the field a turn later. The point is you get a chance to change fate, the one time you just need those wounds on the Hive Tyrant, you have to stop that Leman Russ, that Guardian unit must not break and run, you have a second chance. The cinematic element is a strong reason I play this game, so it is nice to get that heroic second effort, even if it fails. Because after all, the dice always know.
Mulligan: This allows each played to re-roll all the dice in one instance. For example, a unit of fourteen Genestealers attack in hand to hand and only get three hits out of twenty-eight attacks. The 'Stealer played may opt to take their Mulligan and re-roll ALL the to hit rolls. The instance may be twenty attempts to wound or a single leadership test. Usable once per game by each player.
Monday, October 31, 2011
Halloween Finale
There were a few battle reports I didn't have the time to write up and my camera is on the way out, and the cheap back-up tends to produce nice looking shots on the LCD screen only to find they are blurry when I download them. So here are a few of the pics from the battles along the way.
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Trygons are very handy in the anti-aircraft role. |
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Artillery safe in the corner behind cover? Not really. |
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Sly "I got This" Marbo's last moment. |
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Never deep strike in front of a Shadowsword. |
Next up we will start the long fabled No Power Armor League.
Monday, October 24, 2011
Lictor Redux
So here are our current house rules for the Lictor. I'm am only listing changes or additions to the current rules.
Saturday, September 10, 2011
Labor Day Slug-Fest
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Shoot the big ones early and often. |
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Awaiting deployment, a Tyrgon enjoys the Nacho spawning pool. |
Tyranids 6, Imperium 5.
Wednesday, August 31, 2011
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Matt's Creation |
Inside he is an evil madman. He just had to go through the Tyranid codex and find The Doom of Malan'tai.
Then he made one and made us very sad with the life essence-ripping and the Cataclysm, and the stupid, stupid 3+ invulnerable save.
Many hapless Guardsmen, Eldar, Orks, and Marines dropped dead before this terror. So I did the only reasonable thing: I made one for my 'Nid army as well. And it was good.
I like the Doom. It is fun, and just a bit overpowered, and can be killed by a well place Krak missile. It scares people and they focus lots of firepower upon it, letting the other Tyranid critters to do as they like.
We have a new house rule for the Doom:
Bursting the Bubble: If the Doom suffers Instant Death by any means it explodes in a STR 4, S" radius explosion. S being equal to the Doom's strength before it suffered Instant Death. All non-vehicles in the blast radius are affected, friend or foe.
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My version |
We have used this rule twice now and it is entertaining, so it will be staying with us.
Now Matt is eyeing the Tyrannofex...
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Mrs. Blackheart's Tyranids Advance |
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Redeemer. Accept no substitution. |
Monday, August 15, 2011
This Ain't the Summer of Love
The (late) Summer campaign has kicked off. Tyranids vs the Imperium. It is scenario based wrapping up with a Apocalypse game at the end of September. Three rounds have been played with crushing losses for the defenders of Zircon III. The first games where Planetstrike, two games of the Battle mission First Contact, and for round three the mission is Ambush.
The Ambush mission went very badly for the P.D.F. We will tweek the starting distance, of have the defender go first. The hapless Guard were wiped out in two turns.
The plan is to have as many games as possible and total up the wins and losses to see which side gets the planet.
Wednesday, July 20, 2011
Playing or Winning?
Especially wargaming. Crushing your enemies on the tabletop is one of life's little joys. Victory through a great plan and/or taking advantage of a developing situation is rewarding. Crazy good dice rolls just when you need then? Yeah, I like that a lot. Your opponent forgets to activate a unit? This happens on the real battlefield, so I am okay with my miniatures having comms problems as well.
But this is a game, not the real battlefield. At what point is winning no fun?
Like all things, it depends on who you are and what you want. I play games to have fun and socialize. Two things that become more uncommon as stupid adult responsibilities mount. These days I am more interested in playing the game and having a good time than winning. Don't get me wrong, I still have an aggressive nature and like to win. If you have made a tactical error on the field I will make you pay for it. But what if you forgot to deploy a unit or two? What if she forgot the a Bright Lance can hurt a Land Raider?
On the flip side of bloodlust is the want for your opponent to play the best game they can and have a good time.
I used to go to a lot of 40K tournaments. Rogue Traders, Leagues, and the Grand Tournaments when they where still held in L.A. I won some, (RT and League, not the GT) and had loads of fun for a while. A few years ago things seemed to change. A group of players began to emerge, ones who did not care if the people they played against had the slightest bit of enjoyment. They just wanted to win. They would "play" the game without the fun that usually goes along with playing with toy soldiers. One morning I woke before a RT and realized I didn't want to go. I didn't want to fight over rules, the gameplay based on Codex tricks and cheats. And my favorite, the temper tantrum or sullen pouting when they realized they were going to lose. I have not been to a tournament in six years. I have stopped by and watched for a bit, but it still seems to be only 25% of the players I would like to play a game with.
Which in a very rambling way leads us back to the way I play now. And the way all the people I play with do. We have a multitude of house rules, which in the near future I will inscribe on this very blog. The most important rule is oddly Games Workshop's old rule: Have fun. We allow forgiveness on a whole host of common mistakes, as long as your turn is not over yet. I think the coolest thing we tend to do is talk with our opponents about what to do on a turn. Let's look at an example shall we?
Matt had brought along the Tyranids and I the Guard. We were playing the First Encounter mission out of the mission book. I had two great turns of shooting the hell out of Matt with my tanks. His forces were scattered and it look bad for Matt. Then on turn three he got both his Trygons from reserve. He rolled well for which table sections they came in on. The sections with my tanks.
He was going to deep strike them on the table close to my tanks, but still endure a turn of massed firepower before he could assault. I helpfully suggested he just move them on normally and fleet towards the hated Leman Russes. Tragically for me he took my advice assaulted and killed three tanks.
Did my advice make for a better game overall? Yes it did. I got the firepower base ripped out of my army in one fell swoop. Matt's army would have been finished off if my tanks were not stopped that turn. The last two turns were very closely fought. Yes I lost, but it was a good game that hinged on one moment and was much more enjoyable then the Guard just shooting up the scattered 'Nids for a easy-ish win.
Is there a point here somewhere? I hope so. There is a fine line between showing mercy for a rules/codex issue and tactical errors. I always want to play against my opponents "A" game. If I can help them find it, so much the better.
Monday, June 6, 2011
The 4,000 point shot.

Across the no-mans land of tank traps and razor wire 2,500 of Eldar and the vanguard of the Blood Angel force deploy. Many Blood Angel units and all of the 2,000 point Space Wolf forces await off table.

Turn 2 saw the arrival of the drop portion of the Blood Angels and the Space Wolves. The game went on for two more turns, but the combined renegade force was off balance and crushed. Three of the victory objectives went up with the Doomsday Device leaving two deep in the Eldar/Space Marine side of the table. The Alpha Legion took one until Jeff's Wolves arrived at that table edge.

The Eldar were the overall winner. When asked about the slaughter of her allies she replied, "These things happen."
Then we had two pounds of great Carne Asada and booze. It was a very nice day.
Tuesday, May 24, 2011
Have you Seen this Tech-Priest?
Magos Ozanam has begun an unauthorized dig on Leavitt II. An Imperial Guard Armored Company was sent to stop this activity and detain Ozanam until the arrival of Inquisitor Lord Augustus. The last report from the unit's Commissar claimed the entire company had joined forces with Magos Ozanam. Several unidentified warships entered orbit and began landing operations. It is believed that Ozanam has struck some sort of deal with Renegade forces known to be in the Kelton Sub-sector.
Lord Augustus has placed a plea for assistance. By the Emperor's Grace a Blood Angel strike cruiser had been dispatched to recover a Chapter artifact that Magos Ozanam had taken from a Imperial shrine has responded. Contact has also been made with a Space Wolf detachment and the always enigmatic Eldar said Ozanam must not uncover what was buried on Leavitt II.
This years Carnage-asada will be a 14,000 point Apocalypse battle. The Alpha Legion will be reinforcing the renegade Magos in his fortress at the center of the battlefield. The Blood Angels, Space Wolves, and Eldar have come to stop them. All armies have their own secondary missions. The Primary mission is to hold the objective markers and keep everybody else from accomplishing their goals.
Monday, May 16, 2011

Friday, May 13, 2011

Welcome to the Home of the Atomic Warlords. Let's start by describing what I hope to do here. Mostly this little blog will be about Warhammer 40K. Yeah I know the interwebs don't really need another 40K blog, but this one is mine. It won't be about "power" lists, the latest meta-game, or how to beat up small children at tournaments. Or how to avoid being beaten by children.
This blog will develop campaigns, scenarios, and modeling. We will show off our battles and armies. Wax poetic about how we play the game, and if you are really lucky, some philosophy of gaming in general.
The Atomic Warlords are an informal gaming group based in San Diego, CA.
Mostly we play 40k, mostly. But we do play other board and card games that I will yammer about later.
I love 40k. The background, the fluff, rolling dice with my friends and playing with little toy soldiers. Yes, GW isn't perfect, and the game mechanics of 40K really aren't as well, but I still love it. I have been playing this "Stupid Fracking Game" for 19 years. Yes, I have a lot of 40K stuff. Yes, I will be posting about all of it.
Stay frosty,