Last year I built and painted the newest Ghazghkull model. What I didn't catch myself doing was painting the base in my new desert style, which means the Supreme Leader of All Orks had decided that green bases wuz out like bell bottoms. 'Cause Gaz is neva wrong!
Like a lot of long time miniature hobbyists, I have gone through a few stages of talent and refining of my aesthetic. In the beginning there was the bright goblin green bases of the '90s.
Crude, but easy to do, and it matched my playing surface at the time.
From 1998 |
A few years later I moved to a less painful shade of green and better flocking, and stayed with it for a good long while. The last minis I did with green bases was the first batch of Imperial Knights.
After that, I felt the urge to make my Guard army look better, including (finally) building up the plastic Cadians. They looked sad and weird on green bases, so I went with the rocky scrublands look.
The tan bases with sandy basing grit, along with some tufts on them looked great. Plus the neutral tan made the bases a bit more invisible. Slowly I went back and re-did the bases on most of my older armies, and all new ones going forward. Except the Orks (and Tyranids). Too damn many boyz!
I had never really liked the green bases with Orks, but at the time I didn't want the ladz to have some weird basing job on my green field. So I just suffered with the ugly bases.
The time has come around at last. I've done a few test bases and now it's time to have a rebasing party!
I will move a few Orks to bigger bases. like Nobz and such, but for the most part it will just be scraping off the old green.
The Slow Evolution of my Basing
I'm sure it will take a few evenings, but it should be really worth it.
Re-Doing is Doing
Makes Old Armies Like New