Promotion exam. Space Marine style. |
Once again the Blood Angels try and stop the rampaging Ork horde. This time, Commander Matt really means it. 2000 points, Purge the Alien mission, Vanguard Strike deployment.
Wagonz 'n Ladz |
The thin red line. And a land Raider. |
First Ork mistake: I stole the initiative and charged right into boltgun range.
Second Ork mistake: By moving first it gave Matt's jump troops the charge.
Fix for said mistakes: More Rum!
Oops. |
So all four of my trukks were blown to hell and the boyz badly mauled. Turn two; the bikers closed in on the Blood Angels flank; Battlewagon with a supa-kannon blew away the Furioso Dreadnought armed with the hated Blood Talons. The center of the field became a huge close combat mess. Matt's Vanguard dropped almost on top of my bikers and wiped them out in the assault phase. Mr. Angry Chaplain led a squad into the mass in the middle and broke the Ladz.
Time for chopped Ork. |
Terminators kill 20, lose 3. |
An Assault Terminator squad hopped out the Land Raider and started to work their way through my largest mob of boyz. Things were not going my way, so I sent my Warboss and firends in their Battlewagon into the center of Matt's Marines. Tank Shock with a Death Roller is a fun thing for an Ork player. None dare stand before you!
No, Mr. Marine, I expect you to die. |
Except this one jerk with a Meltagun. Needless to say, one Marine can ruin your whole day. Making the most successful Death or Glory test I've ever seen. Not only did the Battlewagon blow up, it killed five Orks next to it and two Nobs on board. Thus my hopes for turning this game went up in a tremendous fireball.
The Vanguard squad piled on my HQ along with everybody else in red armor.
Zogging Marine boyz. |
I put up a good fight, but it was over. And the final score was not kind:14-6 for the Blood Angels.
A very enjoyable match. The carnage between these two forces is always fun.
Next week: The Guard take the Zombie Challenge.
The Emperor Protects
And he doesn't like Orks