Thursday, June 27, 2024

SoH Xiphons


Still chugging away on my Epic Sons of Horus army. Here are three (out of the four) Xiphon Interceptors in that army. I have used them in battle, and are quite pleased with the close air support they provide.

I have a Thunderhawk, two Fire Raptors, and three Storm Eagles assembled and in the painting queue for all my aerial firepower and transport needs.

Fleet Does the Flying

False Emperor's Lap Dogs Do the Dying

1 comment:

  1. Your Xiphons look great! I like the way they play and they're neat to see on the battlefield. I can't say I love being on the business end of them. It'll be interesting to see how they perform when I'm able to bring air support of my own.

    I'm also curious how the other flyers will work in a close air support role.
