Friday, July 19, 2024

Scatter and Cover


At some point in every miniature gamer's life there comes a time when they realize the need  for more scatter terrain. This is completely normal and should not be a cause for alarm. This commonly occurs if they have been playing a lot of smaller scale skirmish games. 

I have been playing mostly Kill Team and OPR Grimdark Firefight, so the need for more, smaller blocking terrain has been growing. Luckily I have a substantial box of leftover bits from my various GW terrain sets. 

I pondered on exactly how to do this for a while, and decided to try some old fashioned clay as the base and then just jam lots of cut up bits onto it. Then I realized that it would do much better if it was all on a wood base. Mixed media FTW!

It took about three days for the air-dry clay to fully dry. Of course it shrank some as it did so, requiring me to then gule all the bits that popped off back on, and then glue the clay base onto the wood base. 
The whole mess took black primer very well and was ready to paint.

The six  rubble piles I made match my city terrain very well, and I can't wait to put them to use. Clean lanes of fire is kinda boring! 

Go Make Something
So Others May Hide Behind It.

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